

The HORN® DUALFLAME gas burner is installed as an underport-burner in regenerative cross fired or end fired furnaces. Its design enables the furnace operator to adjust the flame formation smoothly within a wide range – from short and sharp to long and soft.

With the DUALFLAME burner, both gas velocity and streaming type, from laminar to turbulent, can be controlled. If the fuel throughput remains the same, the velocity and mixing impulse can be varied as desired.

This is achieved through two separate nozzles inside the burner lance. The gas quantity for each nozzle can be controlled. Consequently the velocity is amended at the exit of the burner.

By adjusting the position of the inner nozzle toward the outer nozzle, the mixing impulse of both gas streams can be optimised to suit the furnace conditions.

With this technical solution, the operator is able to adjust the flame formation smoothly to suit the furnace layout conditions and melting technology, without being forced to change the nozzles themselves.

The hot spot of the glass melt can be stabilised with the optimal flame length.
Furthermore, NOx formation is minimised by the correct mixing impulse of both gas streams coming from the burner nozzles.

Replacing existing burner systems with a DUALFLAME burner is possible during full production without any interruption of the melting process. The burner can be installed in regenerative end fired furnaces, cross fired furnaces, float glass furnaces and recuperative furnaces.

All types of gases, as well as an LPG/air-mixture can be used with this burner.

The DUALFLAME burner is equipped with a compressed air connection which is used for cooling purposes during non-operation of the burner. Both the compressed air connection and the gas connection are made by way of a quick-release coupling.

HORN® offers two different adjustment possibilities: the manual controlled burner, DUALFLAME MC, and the automatic controlled burner, DUALFLAME AC.

Adjustment possibilities of the gas flow