Project Management


Basic Engineering represents the kickoff of every project and usually lasts between 2 to 3 months. In this phase we take care of every facet of the planned project, even if you don’t have a feasibility study at hand. We would gladly support you:

  • With the creation of the financing model. HORN® has many years of experience and cooperation with Euler Hermes. Euler Hermes is a global leader in trade credit insurance business.
  • With defining a financing chain consisting of your foreign bank, a German bank, and Euler Hermes.
  • With the selection of subcontractors. We conduct the negotiations about the services and time frame with the subcontractors, as these factors are of considerable importance for financing and project execution.


Once the Basic Engineering phase is completed you will receive all information or respective documentation so that you can start the primary (civil) construction work on site. Meanwhile, the subcontractors prepare the detailed engineering and start manufacturing the equipment for your project.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more information!