Construction & Services



At the construction site the unique working conditions such as extreme temperatures, call for a team of highly qualified specialists and experts. HORN® employs a pool of very experienced people who have been working in the glass industry for many years.

Before new furnace installations or cold repairs, HORN® provides the material and the expertise to drain the furnace. A controlled cooling down is essential if parts of the plant, such as the melting end crown, etc., are to be preserved.

During demolition of the old furnace HORN® takes care to keep the remaining parts. For disposal HORN® reverts to specialised and certificated subcontractors.

High precision bricklaying guarantees the customer a furnace with a long lifespan and many years of trouble-free operation. Furthermore, HORN® undertakes the necessary steel construction on an international scale.

With its own experts, HORN® supervises its own manpower or customers' manpower to manage all the installation or repair works.

Finally, HORN® experts heat up the furnace to operating temperature with own special heat-up burners and measurement equipment to secure a proper temperature gradient and controlled expansion of all refractory material as well as a dust-free cullet charging.

The hot sealing of the furnaces completes the installation phase. If requested, “outside welding” can be provided.





Do you have any questions? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact person:Mr. Andreas Kopp
Phone:+49 9636 92 04 72
Mobile:+49 170 7 84 31 72
Fax:+49 9636 92 04 70